
Showing posts with the label Trophy - Battle Tank Protection System

Israel Tank Defence System - Trophy

Hi guys, In this post we will take a look on a very significant invention in Battle tank protection. Israel has developed a Tank defence system better known as 'Trophy'.  in this system a small radar is placed over vehicle to monitor regularly all incoming objects towards it. Launchers of small projectiles are placed in all directions to provide 360° Protection from small missiles, RPG's and hand grenades. Now how this system work? Radar is regularly monitoring all incoming objects through all directions. When it detect any incoming. It informs to control unit with incoming directions and their velocity of impact. Then launchers throw small projectiles with required velocity to nullify the incoming object out of range of the vehicle. And vehicle and its crew feel very safe without considering any threat. With application of this system some more advantages obtained like reduction in armored shield. Which provides loss in weight and increament in vehi...