Mahindra defence MPV1 Vehicle
Hi guys, Today we will talk about upgraded mine proof vehicle of Mahindra defence, popularly known as MPV-1. If you like this post. Then please don't forget to share it. Its a 230 Hp and 6×6 transmission vehicle with sitting capacity of total 14 crew. Its a marvelous vehicle ever developed by mahindra defence as it has been certified against landmine blast of 14 kg TNT under bottom hull and 21 kg TNT under rear wheels. Superb!!!! It has very heavy armored steel for ballistic protection from gun fires even it has bulletproof windshield. Its protected from 7.62x51 mm bullets fired from 10 mtr distance. Its best military support for anti terrorist operations in hills, forests and desert terrains. Best features of this vehicle are that it has been equipped with multi directional camera with long range view and land mines sensors. For maximum protection of boarding crew it has a robotic toe arm to dig the land mines safely from ground without direct contact with crew. To counter attack ...